Sunday, February 28, 2010

With Apologies to the Dogs...

Does everyone remember the Philadelphia International TSA dog teams that failed their certification last month? Turns out it wasn't the dogs. It was the handlers. Lassie, Odie, Checkers and Old Yellar all state 'I told you so'.
The part of the Full Story below that elevates this from a mere fail to a TSAFail, is the last two paragraphs- describing that the PHL TSA handler treated the dog like a pet and didn't know where to lead the dog. Which just begs the question... if you are a TSA Officer working as the dumb half of a dog/person sniffer team, at an airport, with luggage... where are you leading the dog if not to the luggage?
Lassie suggests the old mill.
Odie recommends the lasagna factory.
Checkers asks for the oval office
Old Yellar begs for anywhere except behind the shed.

Full Story

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